The #1 Way To Instantly Increase Your 1 Foot Vertical Jump To Finally Start Dunking Like You've Always Wanted...

Jump Technique Breakthrough Quickly Installs Up To 9-15 Inches On Your One Foot Vertical Jump... All Without Lifting Weights, Jump Training, or even Plyometrics!
Finally Dunk Like You've Always Wanted Using Pro Jump Secrets Taken Directly From Olympic High Jumpers!
FACT: The #1 Reason Why Most People Can't Jump High is NOT Because of They're Genetics, Athleticism, or Height... It's Because They Haven't Unlocked Their Jump Technique
Jumping is a skill... and even the most genetically gifted and most explosive athlete in the world will fail miserably at jumping if they don't have the proper technique.
BUT (and here comes the good news)...
By unlocking your proper jump technique you will INSTANTLY increase your vertical jump.
Seriously... you will instantly increase your vertical jump.
No - and here's why:
You see when you unlock proper jump technique you are NOT building muscle or even training your central nervous system...
(That stuff works, but it takes time...)
When you unlock proper jump technique you will literally see and feel exponential increases in your vertical jump OVERNIGHT because you are using what your body ALREADY HAS INSIDE OF YOU...
...You're just using it more effectively by tweaking your jumping style and unlocking your TRUE JUMP POTENTIAL.
You Have Anywhere From 9-15 Inches of Raw Vertical Jump Sitting Inside of You Right Now Begging to be Unlocked...
So how do you unlock it?
By strategically analyzing your jump technique and unlocking the energy train in your body.
In January of 2017 we released Instant Shock 2.0 - a brand new training system designed to introduce the world to our jump technique secrets.
Since that time, Instant Shock 2.0 has helped thousands of athletes from around the world jump higher overnight:
“The Instant Shock program is great! I’ve used vertical jump programs before but this one is actually the real deal!“
- Adalan Adli Paris, France
“I just started and my vertical has already increased from 22 inches to 27 inches… that’s 5 inches gained on my vertical in under an hour! Thank you!”
- Noah Madson USA
“Just wanted to let you know I just threw down my first dunk ever!!!!! I was just grabbing the rim before Instant Shock and after only an hour I got up and threw down my first dunk ever! Thank you!!
- Nahar Pleshet USA
...And now, we're ready to take things even further and push the boundaries of vertical jump training yet again.
Introducing the all new vertical jump technique master class:
So What Is 1 Foot Jump Mastery?
After the massive success of the Instant Shock 2.0 program we knew we had to reveal the rest of the secrets to jumping higher... so we put together a FULL start to finish solution to allow you to jump higher than you ever thought possible.
We've taken ALL of our 1 foot jump technique research and analysis and put it into a step by step, easy to follow system.
This 1 Foot Jump Mastery system is designed to lead you through every aspect of your 1 foot vertical jump.
By analyzing your jump technique you will be able to compare your current vertical jump to the videos and checklists inside the system to discover exactly how to tap into and unleash the 9-15 inches of raw vertical jump sitting inside of you right now.
Follow the video guides, install the techniques, and get the results - it's as simple as that.
How Does 1 Foot Jump Mastery Work?
Well - it works fast...
...Insanely fast.
Gone are the days of tiring workouts for weeks on end with little to no results on your dunking.
1 Foot Jump Mastery is different.
This is because 1 Foot Jump Mastery is NOT a training program.
You will NOT be doing any strength training, plyometric training, or any jump specific training at all.
Which means, there are no sets and reps inside.
Instead, you are going to take a video of yourself jumping.
(This can be done using any smartphone or any basic recording device...)
You will then use this video to analyze and compare your jumps to the cheat sheets and checklists inside the 1 Foot Jump Mastery system.
This will allow you to see EXACTLY where you can unlock massive gains in your jump height and quickly accelerate your dunking.
It's all laid out for you in and easy to follow system so that you can instantly increase your vertical jump and unlock your true jump potential.
Remember, you have 9-15 inches of raw vertical jump sitting inside of you right now.
"Will This Help Me If I Am A 2 Foot Jumper?"
1 Foot Jump Mastery is built specifically to explode your 1 foot vertical jump.
The techniques, secrets, and mechanics all apply to jumping off of 1 foot.
If you're a basketball player you MUST be able to jump equally as effectively off of 1 foot AND off of 2 feet.
From a bio-mechanical standpoint, jumping off of 1 foot usually represents the highest that you can ever leave the surface of the earth. This is because once the skill of the jump is mastered, the 1 foot takeoff allows for the conversion of MASSIVE amounts of horizontal speed and force into EXPLOSIVE vertical power (if executed correctly!).
You can jump higher off of 1 foot because of the increased speed of approach... you don't get that with a 2 foot takeoff.
So, if you're currently only a 2 foot jumper... 1 Foot Jump Mastery is the perfect solution to quickly becoming that exciting crowd favorite player you know you were meant to be.
Here's Just Some of the Benefits to Jumping off of 1 Foot:
- Jumping off 1 foot represents the highest that you can possibly leave the surface of the earth... this will allow you to finally reach your true vertical jump potential and start dunking like you've always wanted
- You are able to approach your dunks with WAY more speed - this will allow you to convert that extra speed into extra height for a MASSIVE increase in your vertical jump height and hang time so that you can perform spectacular show-stopping dunks with ease
- It is a much more technical way to jump which means you have a HUGE opportunity to unlock INSTANT INCHES on your vertical jump... this will allow you to make any dunk look fluid and effortless
- You are able to use your non-plant leg for extra added knee drive momentum... this will allow you to use the secret "stop-block" effect for a very real 10x increase in power conversion so that you can rise up FAST and dunk on unsuspecting defenders in games
- You do NOT have to be able to palm the basketball to be able to dunk... you can use the momentum trick to cupping the basketball without losing any jump height so that you can reach you max vertical jump height every time you takeoff in games and practices (No more missed dunks...)
- You require WAY less time to load your jumps which means no more slowing down on fast breaks to get your feet set while worrying about defenders catching up... this will allow you to takeoff and rise up in one fluid motion and become the ultimate fast break DUNK MACHINE
- You are NOT limited by your takeoff speed - the better your mechanics become the more speed you can approach with and ultimately convert into vertical jump height... this will allow you to progressively increase your vert so that you can consistently be introducing new dunks into your arsenal to impress your teammates, coaches, friends, and scouts
"But I Thought That In Order To Jump Higher You Need To Do Squats And Box Jumps And Calf Raises?"
This is simply NOT true.
And is a very (very!) common misconception when it comes to increasing your vertical jump - especially by basketball players.
You see these types of exercises WILL allow you to eventually increase your vertical jump (if done correctly and by following a proper training program) - but they take time.
They take time because you are producing micro-tears in your muscles and then forcing your body to repair those micro-tears to build more muscle and come back stronger in hopes that this will help you to jump higher...
As you probably know - this takes a long time to see any type of real results...
And although we certainly do recommend you use these types of exercises to become a more powerful and better athlete - we know that it's absolutely critical to have proper jump technique if you ever want to jump high.
And here's why:
Multiple research studies on vertical jump ability have found that the majority factor in how high a person can jump is actually more related to their technique rather than their power.
Jumping off of one foot relies heavily on biomechanics, skill and coordination.
If you lack the technical requirements for a proper 1 foot jump you will struggle immensely to dunk no matter how strong, explosive, or powerful you are!
Which means - although it's important to train to improve your power... it's even more important to have proper technique.
So How Fast Can You Expect To See Results Using The 1 Foot Jump Mastery System?
Many of our athletes see and feel results within the first 48 hours of using the system.
Now, you're smart and we'd never insult your intelligence by telling you this is some magic pill.
It's not.
You WILL have to actually apply the concepts shown in this videos.
But when you do follow and apply the step by step instructions you WILL get the results and you WILL be jumping higher than you ever thought possible.
Take it from some of our past vertical jump technique clients:
“I love this.
I already gained somewhere between 4-7 inches in under an hour and am now dunking easily.
Thanks guys!”
- Joel Pettiford Jamestown, North Carolina, USA
“These are the best vertical jumping programs in the world. I gained 7 inches in the first hour of doing the program. I recommend these guys to anyone who wants to touch the sky and dunk on centers in the middle of your games!”
- Mikle Nisani New York, USA
“These programs are quick and easy to apply the concepts in the videos.
I gained 5 inches in under an hour by following what they said.“
- Giovanni Marrero Bronx New York, USA
Here's What You Can Expect With The 1 Foot Jump Mastery System:
- You’re going to discover how to INSTANTLY unlock raw inches 1 foot vertical jump so that you can fly high above the rim and start finishing everything with a dunk
- You’re going to uncover the missing link when it comes to jumping off one foot (mind-numbingly simple yet deadly effective) and finally reach your full jump potential that your body has been BEGGING you to unleash for years
- You’ll see EXACTLY how you should be jumping when taking off from 1 foot so that you can eliminate any self-doubt you’ve ever had by replacing it with rock-solid confidence and vertical jump ability
- You’re going to discover how to trick your body into jumping off of your right OR left foot equally as effectively... will allow you to get more dunks and loads of attention from coaches, teammates, opponents, and scouts
- You’ll quickly reconfigure your old jump habits and hard wire new ones into your DNA so that you can call on them when you need them most and continuously reach your maximum jump height so that you never miss a dunk again
- You’re going to uncover jump technique secrets torn straight from the pages of Olympic High Jumpers... this will allow you downright FORCE your coach to play you more (it’s hard to ignore an explosively powerful athlete that can soar high into the air for spectacular dunks and grab impossible rebounds)
- You’ll learn the easiest and fastest way to add INSTANT INCHES to your 1 foot takeoff by applying an arm-swing cheat that is impossible to stop and deadly effective so that you can start rising above defenders for demoralizing in game dunks
But That's Not It... You're Also Going To:
- You’ll get up and running fast with the step by step videos and easy to follow cheat sheets.. this way you can start to overcome even the nastiest of basketball politics and prove that you’re the better player and they made a HUGE mistake to ever doubt you
- You’ll discover how to effectively jump without the ball so that you can chase down your opponents on the fast break and block their shot off the backboard (Sometimes this gets the crowd going more than a dunk!)
- You’ll uncover the secrets to ultimate ball control so that you can jump just as effectively with and without the ball.. this way you’ll be able to reach max vertical jump capacity every single time you go to dunk and not have to worry about how to control the ball in your hand
- You’re going to discover how to easily apply all of the techniques to in-game situations so that you can have the crowd on the edge of their seat eager to see what unbelievable play you're going to make next
- You’ll uncover the most powerful 1 foot vertical jump hack ever exposed and use it to explode towards the rim with unstoppable force and Jordan like hang time
- You’ll prove every single one of your doubters WRONG using the lethal combination of applied jump science and real world experience ripped straight from the trenches of professional basketball where it’s been proven to work time and time again
- You’re going to learn a very effective yet commonly misused slingshot effect that will launch you high into the air by focusing on your last 3 steps... this simple trick alone can add up to 7+ inches on your vert
- You’ll take full control of the crucial amortization phase and finally be able to load and explode in the blink of an eye... this will allow you to gain recognition at school from teachers, coaches, and classmates for your unbelievable ability to float through the air and dunk on anything that stands in your way
- You’ll use a series of carefully constructed techniques to hardwire your new jump habits for permanent integration... start to strike fear in the hearts of your opponents by becoming instantly recognizable around any gym you walk into
Let’s Take A Look At Everything You’re Getting Instant Access To When You Order Today:

In this section you'll discover...
- What type of jumper you are and how to use it to get the fastest results possible
- How to explode your 1 foot vertical jump by applying SPECFIC techniques that apply only to your jump type
- What advantages your jump type gives you and how to harness them for massive results in your dunking

SECTION #1: Getting Started
In this section you'll discover...
- How to get up and running fast to get the most out of your 1 Foot Jump Mastery system
- Why it's so critically important that you are able to effectively jump off of 1 foot and when you should be using this approach to dunking
- How to force your body into becoming an explosive and unstoppable 1 foot jumping machine

SECTION #2: Vertical Ignition
In this section you'll discover...
- The biomechanics of a PROPER 1 foot vertical jump and how you can apply them to your technique
- A special formula to apply to your jumping to determine how to unlock instant inches on your hops
- Little known Olympic High Jump research and a special hack to quickly stacking free inches on your vert

SECTION #3: Laying The Foundation
In this section you'll discover...
- A biomechanical secret to getting your muscles to contract faster and more explosively than you every thought possible... all without thinking about it at all
- How to unlock hidden reflexive energy and instantly add up to 7+ inches on your vert
- How to avoid the #1 common mistake almost all athletes make when trying to jump (This could be responsible for stripping precious inches off your vert...)

SECTION #4: The Approach
In this section you'll discover...
- How to properly approach your 1 foot vertical jump for a 10x increase in power conversion
- M.C.V - 3 letters that will guide you on your jump approach to GUARANTEE an explosive takeoff
- How to increase your approach velocity AND have it directly transfer into vertical velocity so that you can instantly jump higher

SECTION #5: 3 Steps Out
In this section you'll discover...
- Why you MUST be 'pawing at the ground' during your final steps before takeoff
- How to best approach your running 1 foot vertical jump for the best results
- How to set up your last 3 steps for maximum vertical jump height

SECTION #6: 2 Steps Out
In this section you'll discover...
- How to pre-load energy in your legs and calves for massive added explosive power
- The #1 mistake almost all basketball players make when trying to dunk off 1 foot and how to quickly fix it
- A common mistake that you MUST avoid to prevent robbing yourself of precious inches and those highlight-reel fast break dunks

SECTION #7: Plant And Takeoff
In this section you'll discover...
- A HUGE mistake that 97% of athletes make and what you need to do to eliminate it and gain a 10X in power conversion during takeoff
- How to pre-load your plant leg to deflect forces up through your skeletal frame so that you can spring off of the ground
- How to trick your body into jumping WAY higher than it's used to by contracting your glute just before toe-off

SECTION #8: The Feedback Loop
In this section you'll discover...
- How to most effectively practice your 1 foot vertical jump without wasting time
- Why you absolutely MUST have a feedback loop when it comes to increasing your vert fast
- How to defy gravity in your 1 foot dunks by aggressively triggering an instant impulse in your body (It's almost like cheating...)

PRO JUMP HACKS #1: Getting Started
In this section you'll discover...
- An introduction to the most common mistakes 99% of athletes make when jumping off of 1 foot
- Why you MUST be using video to correct your mechanics and unlock instant inches in your dunking
- Why your calves are NOT the most important part of your jumping power and how to use them as foce amplifiers instead for a spingy light on your feet effect

PRO JUMP HACKS #2: The Pro Step
In this section you'll discover...
- Why your last 2 steps are absolutely CRITICAL and how to avoid the #1 mistake most athletes make
- How to effectively execute the explosive isometric phase of your 1 foot takeoff
- A simple yet deadly effective trick to pop up off the ground FAST

PRO JUMP HACKS #3: The Energy Column
In this section you'll discover...
- How to maintain a solid column of energy in your body during your takeoff for spring like hops
- How to add 4-8+ inches on your vert by focusing only on your upper body
- Why you need to be carefully watching your hips and chest during your last 2 steps and how it will allow you to add instant inches to your vertical jump

PRO JUMP HACKS #4: The Stop Block Effect
In this section you'll discover...
- Why you need to be using your off leg in the air to add extra hang time on your vert
- How to easily get your first dunk
- How to use the 'stop block effect' for an AGRESSIVE boost of momentum in the air

PRO JUMP HACKS #5: Energy Transfer Secret
In this section you'll discover...
- How to effectively transfer energy through your plant leg for a more stable takeoff
- The correct angle of knee bend you should be aiming for during your plant
- The fastest way to tweak your 1 foot jump mechanics (simple... yet deadly effective)

PRO JUMP HACKS #6: Approach Velocity
In this section you'll discover...
- How to avoid a very common mistake most players make when trying to get their first dunk
- The most explosive approach technique stolen straight from pro sports combines where the vertical jump test can make or break contracts
- How to increase your horizontal velocity and have it directly transfer into vertical velocity for extra inches on your dunking

In this section you'll discover...
- A simple drill to work on your momentum shifting that requires no equipment and can be done at home
- How to permanently integrate your new last 3 steps technique
- How to take advantage of game scenarios and execute them properly so that you get A TON of opportunities to showcase your hops

In this section you'll discover...
- A pro mind hack to develop confidence in your dunking
- How to use a visualization routine to increase your vertical jump
- How to permanently integrate your new hops using a 10 minute routine done every night before bed

In this section you'll discover...
- A simple drill to get in the habit of throwing down big dunks
- Why and when you should be practicing on a low rim
- How to blow by your defender and use that momentum for a FAST and EXPLOSIVE take-off

In this section you'll discover...
- How to use a 'small ball technique' to practice your dunking
- What to do if you can't palm the ball yet
- An easy drill to explode around the rim so that you are not limited to fast break dunking
Let’s Take A Look At Everything You’re Getting Instant Access To When You Order Today:

FREE BONUS #1: Dunk Now Cheat Sheets
Value $27.00
In this section you'll discover...
- What goes into the hops of the most explsoive athletes in the world and how you can use the same techniques in your dunking
- Visual step by step guides to quickly unlocking instant inches on your vert
- How to quickly transform your jump technique to install pro level explosion and energy transfer

FREE BONUS #2: Video Analysis
Value $17.00
In this section you'll discover...
- How to analyze your jump video for instant feedback
- Why you need to be filming yourself jumping and how to use it to instantly increase your hops
- How to use the jump analysis cheat sheets for the fastest results possible on your dunking

FREE BONUS #3: Video Analysis Cheat Sheets
Value $47.00
In this section you'll discover...
- The fastest way to improve your two foot vertical jump and pictures that clearly demonstrate exactly what you need to do
- Step by step expert guidance to instantly increase your explosion when taking off and key points to remember when practicing
- How to analyze your jump videos so that you can quickly stack inches onto your vert

Top 5 Exercises For 1 Foot Jumpers
Value $47.00
In this section you'll discover...
- The top 5 exercises you should be doing to jump higher off 1 foot
- Jump specific exercises that apply specifically to your jumping style and strengths
- Step by step walkthroughs of all 5 exercises for fast installation
Imagine What It Would Feel Like To Be Jumping 9-15 Inches Higher Just Days From Now...
Imagine what it will feel like to step foot on the court and have overwhelming confidence surging through your veins?
Imagine what it will feel like to prove everyone that ever doubted you wrong?
Imagine what it will feel like to walk into any gym and instantly be recognized as the one to watch out for?
Make This Your Reality Starting Today With The 1 Foot Jump Mastery System
Let's Take A Look At Everything You're Getting Instant Access To When You Order Today:

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Regular Price $17.00

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Regular Price $17.00

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Regular Price $17.00

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Regular Price $19.00

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Regular Price $23.00

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Regular Price $20.00

Regular Price $19.00

Regular Price $19.00

Regular Price $17.00

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Regular Price $17.00

Regular Price $47.00

Regular Price $47.00


TOTAL VALUE = $485.00!
1 Foot Jump Mastery Has Everything You Need To Get Up Above The Rim And Throwing Down The Nastiest Dunks Of Your Life
IMPORTANT: When The Timer On This Page Expires This Offer Will Be Gone For Good

Our "Absolutely No Shenanigans" Rock Solid 100% Money Back Guarantee:
We're well aware of the number of jump programs online and that’s why we're happy to offer a rock-solid 60 day Money Back Guarantee.
If you apply the 1 Foot Jump Mastery system and for some incredible reason do not see a DRAMATIC increase in your vertical jump... you can get all of your money back.
No questions asked.
Simply email support[at]thincpro.com and we will return every single penny within 48 hours.
You can feel confident ordering today knowing that all of the risk is resting squarely on our shoulders – you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Click the order button and get started today!

Frequently Asked Questions:
You can do the program indoors or outdoors and the results will be the same. You do not need any equipment. This program can be done at home.
After you order you will immediately be sent your username and password to log in and access ALL of the materials (Videos, PDF’s, Checklists, etc.) You can get started right away!
You will receive your username and password immediately after you purchase. This means you can get started tonight – even if it’s 3 AM!
Yes. We use 128 Bit SSL Encryption technology - the same security standards used by online banking. You have absolutely nothing to work about when ordering today.
Yes. We've had youth all the way up to NBA players use these techniques. There is no weight lifting and it will not stunt your growth.
No. This program is designed to be done without any equipment. It can be done at home!
Yes, it works equally as well for females as it does for males.
Of course! You can log into your members portal from any desktop computer or mobile device and access the complete program That way - you'll always have it with you!